Coupon > All Stores > DIESEL (迪賽) Coupon > DIESEL (迪賽)

  • Site Name:DIESEL (迪賽)
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  • Description:Diesel(迪賽)於1978年由Renzo Rosso成立,是來自意大利的著名時裝品牌,也是全球一個著名的生活方式品牌。它的產品充滿了年輕的活力,設計靈感均來源於生活,風格以破洞、汙漬、手工漂洗做舊的Dirty牛仔褲著名。Diesel作為一個生活方式品脾,它提供的產品涵蓋了服裝、包包、手表、香水、首飾品、鞋履等多個方麵。
  • DIESEL (迪賽) Review

    I've been using this brand for over 15-20 years, and I've bought it from the online store, couple times wrong order arrived, but then one was ripped and asked for help and It was my worst online shopping experience! Customer service is terrible, inefficient and they don't solve anything. They sent me a product with a manufacturing defect, zero quality control and the warehouse. Stay away from this online store! If you need customer service, it's practically non-existent. Terrible in every way! Local store it's a little bit better, but the y won't help me with the crap I bought online. I've worn diesel jeans for the last 15+ years but have noticed the quality and longevity of the jeans has drastically reduced in the last few years GOING DOWN BAD Se my pictures Date of experience: July 09,2022 Tip for consumers:I've been using this brand for Stay away from Diesel online store! Or better yet all together Products used:jeans loadjsReady({ event: 'app', checker: function() { return typeof app === "undefined" || typeof app.urlPhoto === "undefined"; }, callback: function() { app.urlPhoto(); } })
    I recently bough a diesel watch as a birthday gift for my brother. He absolutely loves the design and functionality. And I love how the price is affordable and makes it an ideal gift for friends and family. Tip for consumers:affordable and stylish watch Products used:diesel Value Quality
