Coupon > All Stores > DecalGirl Coupon > DecalGirl

  • Site Name:DecalGirl
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  • Coupon use:How to use DecalGirl coupon
  • Description:DecalGirl是一家主要為手機、電腦等移動設備設計和製作手機外殼的公司。齊全的種類,可滿足不同型號手機的需求。熱銷迪士尼係列包括:米老鼠,怪物大學,維尼熊,玩具總動員等。
  • DecalGirl Review

    This site has some amazing artwork. I think it's always fun to express your style any way, even on your cell phone case or laptop skin. You won't find any more original designs that you will here. Such cool stuff! In every category. Good for yourself or gift for a friend. Love it.
    I'd ordered from them years ago & they had been decent. But no longer. My last order was this past November & was offered a "coupon code" which was a complete scam. Its purpose was to entice into spending more which I supidly did. 2 of the skins arrived fully intact but fit & finish was complete crap. The 3rd skin was only half complete with large sections missing. I immediately reported to them the problem with the couple code & they promised (rather they flagrantly LIED) saying the difference would be refunded which they never did. On top of that they tried to cover it up & shut me up by not only closing the case after every email but firstly deleting my order history with them then deleting my account completely to cover it up. Though that won't help them as I've got their emails & screenshots from that order. Tip for consumers:Don't buy from them. You'll only get shoddy products with illegal bait & switch pricing. Honestly you could produce better on your own 99 times out of 100. Products used:Game system skins Service Value Shipping Returns Quality
