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  • Site Name:LearnVest
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  • Description:LearnVest由Alexa von Tobel創建,是全球一家領先級專業提供女性理財規劃的網站。它致力於為全球的女性朋友們提供最優秀的金融理財產品,憑借其敏銳的洞察力、高端的技術及豐富的經驗,協助女性朋友們更好的理財。LearnVest提供多種多樣的理財產品,其中有付費業務,也有免費業務,是眾多女性選擇理財產品的最佳去處。
  • LearnVest Review

    LearnVest helped me to realize where I was spending my money. I was always broke by payday and had no idea why. Using LearnVest helped me to see where my money was going and what I was really spending it on. It has really helped me create a budget and start a real savings.
    My husband and I were trying to start our retirement savings and failed. Thanks to LearnVest and the financial planner dedicated to us, we have been able to set aside money every month and it feels great!
    I used to be a terrible spender till I stumbled on It was from here I learned how to manage my finances.
    The tutorials and articles is really what makes this site work for you. It is an emotional jump start and inspiration to take control of finances.
    Why LearVest worked for me when other things like did not, was the financial planner. Having a real person to talk to was key for me.
    I highly recommend learnvest as a way of learning how to invest both your TIME and MONEY more wisely. It is hard to explain how this website work, the only investment is really your time in beginning to watch your finances.
    I tried mint for a year and it didn't really help me that much. Part of it was just me not caring enough. I tried learnvest and through their planning and articles I have started to make significant changes.
    I never had the willpower to start saving for retirement and this year I realized the importance of it. I found this site and it makes putting away a few hundred a month much easier.
    I know everyone seems to track their finances using learnvest is better. You just have to try it to understand the deeper complexity of their system and best part... they are not trying to sell you a credit card every other click.
    I used to be a terrible spender till I stumbled on It was from here I learned how to manage my finances. Not bad at all. Keep it up! Service Value Quality
    I have always wanted to travel to Fiji and Learnvest helped me to create a plan to save for this trip. 5 more months and I'll have all the money I need to pay for the whole trip in cash....CASH! I couldn't have done that without LearnVest.
    Knowing how you are spending money is so important as then you can make changes to save. Saving is like making money and learnvest makes you money.
