Coupon > All Stores > pixmania Coupon > pixmania

  • Site Name:pixmania
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  • Coupon use:How to use pixmania coupon
  • pixmania Shipping: pixmania shipping
  • Description:Pixmania是歐洲第一廉價電器店,多年前當歐洲人打算購買數碼相機或者攝像機的時候,往往第一個想到的就是Pixmania。這家於2000年由法國人在巴黎創立的Pixmania集團,經過短時間的就成為法國以致於德國最大的網上數碼相機銷售商,至2010年其銷售額已經達到9億歐元。現在Pixmania在歐洲各地都有自己的物流中心和客服中心,其銷售產品早就超越了數碼相機,擴大至電視機、遊戲機、計算機、平板電腦以及家用小電器等等數萬件產品。
  • pixmania Review

    Terrible company Terrible company. Tried to sell me a laptop as brand new, but it didnt work. Then told me to register it with Hewlett Packard at which point I found out it was FIVE years old and guarantee had lapsed. After five weeks of arguing with them finally got a returns label and now fighting for my refund. Tip for consumers:Five weeks and still arguing for my money back Products used:A Broken five year old laptop, Supposedly brand new Service Value Shipping Returns Quality
