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  • Site Name:BHS
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  • Coupon use:How to use BHS coupon
  • Description:與Topshop、Topman 和Miss Selfridge 等知名英國高街品牌一樣,BHS原隸屬於英國零售大亨Philip Green 持有多數股權的Arcadia Group Ltd.集團。Philip在2000年以2億英鎊從Storehouse PLC 收購BHS,BHS 的業務一直極具挑戰,於2015年3月23日由Philip以1英鎊象征性的價格將旗下連鎖百貨集團BHS 出售給Retail Acquisitions將其推到風口浪尖. RA主席Keith Smith 表示將會為該百貨繼續注資,以期幫助其重新恢複盈利。創立於1928年的British Home Stores(BHS 前身)是英國最為人熟悉的百貨公司之一。該連鎖百貨目前擁有約180間門店和1.2萬名員工。知情人士透露BHS 不僅沒有負債,還擁有不少物業,當中若幹更處於Oxford Street 牛津街等黃金地段,這是BHS 最值錢的地方。
  • BHS Review

    British Home Stores, or BHS as they are trendily (nearly) known have been around for, as we know, a long, long time. Yes, ages, just like them that begin with 'M', you know two names. Unlike 'M' with two names, BHS seem to know where they are going, also where they have been. They offer good products at reasonable prices, which seem more reasonable than 'M' with two names. My wife purchased some jumpers in the BHS sale, which were very well made, good to size and at a good price. Even better there was an extra 24% off and that was on top of sale prices. Brilliant value. BHS? Yes, would recommend. Tip for consumers:Check for online discount vouchers. Sign up for BHS newsletter as they have some great one day discounts.
    I tried to place an order on b. H. s. Order line this took the best part of the morning on hold with having to seek out b. H. s. Stores who were also not able to help or process an order over the phone and did not call me back with help their phone lines to customer service & support appear to be open only on a short time basis during the day therefore you are running up a huge phone bill obviously this is a poor way to treat customers and expect good sales.
