Coupon > All Stores > Glytone(葛莉斯黛) Coupon > Glytone(葛莉斯黛)

  • Site Name:Glytone(葛莉斯黛)
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  • Coupon use:How to use Glytone(葛莉斯黛) coupon
  • Description:Glytone創立於1943年,是一個致力於研發果酸護膚產品的美國品牌。在1992年,Glytone研發生產出僅限臨床醫生使用的高效活膚的果酸產品,並成立Genesis Pharmaceutical 公司對產品進行上市銷售。2002年,世界第二大藥妝研發商和法國第二大私營製藥集團Pierre Fabre 公司收購Genesis,同時取得Genesis公司旗下皮膚美容品牌Glytone的擁有權。Glytone作為藥妝,有極好的去皺、抗衰老的效果。
  • Glytone(葛莉斯黛) Review

    Glycolic acid for rejuvenating and retexturizing - Glytone products are formulated with high levels of glycolic acid, which is proven to exfoliate the skin and can make marked improvement in the texture of the skin and slow the aging process. The website can tell you all about the different products they offer, but you have to get them from a derm.
