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  • Site Name:Bestvite
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  • Coupon use:How to use Bestvite coupon
  • Description:我們的使命是成為全球最值得信賴的名字在營養補充劑。我們尋求這種成就通過創新和提供給你,我們的客戶,最優質的維生素,廠家直銷,保證最低價格,礦物質和草藥。我們的理念是基於科學證明的補充有益健康。我們的bestvite品牌產品的生產,在食品和藥品注冊設施和產品卓越的代名詞。bestvite,公司是一個高度先進的公司,為您提供新的創新產品和最佳價值。校長有超過20年的經驗,了解營養和健康生活的價值觀。我們都是世界級的驕傲,廣泛的培訓,客戶服務代表能夠為你的服務和產品的建議,超越你的期望。我們的bestvite品牌產品在美國生產,根據GMP。用我們的產品和所有批次的產品的實驗室測試之前釋放所有的原材料。
  • Bestvite Review

    Once again Bestvite really saved me. I was in dire need of my Pycnogenol and even though I was well past their daily cutoff time the gentleman said he would handle it and make sure my order was sent that day. I received my package the next day. They always have provided me with the best service and I always go to them first when I need a supplement. Service Value Shipping Quality
    I have been ordering from Bestvite for the last five years, and every order arrived as expected. Their customer service reps are knowledgeable. Pricing is great, and you can save $$$$ and get high-quality products. I love their Super Omega, R-Alpha Lipoic Acid, Cognizin and SAMe.
    I bought a 6-month supply of BestVite Gymnema Sylvestre on 4-6-14 at a cost of almost $60. When re-ordering, I noticed that the expiration date was May 2014, less than a month after I received it. I had been taking an expired product for over 5 months! Bestvite's explanation was that the manufacturer must have stamped the wrong Expiration Date on the bottle. They offered a much cheaper replacement product and, 3 weeks later, I still haven't received it. And it wouldn't change the fact that $60 was wasted. I rate them a 0. I posted a review on their website, but they have blocked it.
