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  • Description:yourhcg.com是絨毛膜促性腺激素飲食原供應商。我們出售的順勢HCG下降,完整的人絨毛膜促性腺激素的飲食計劃,乳清蛋白,人絨毛膜促性腺激素的飲食食譜,和其他附加產品。我們已經幫助超過100000人失去了重量,有超過53000的facebook粉絲,和11000推特追隨者。我們的專業人員會幫助你銷售的產品從yourhcg.com成功。
  • Your HCG Review

    I got on this product with great enthusiasm. I admit that when I started I did not take the drops on my load days so when I started the low calorie diet I was getting hunger pangs. I called and emailed and they said I should start over with my load days. I ate a lot of fat much to my livers dismay and restarted. I am still starving and light headed. Basically my body feels like it is starving despite taking these homeopathic drops which makes me wonder of the true strength of this product. I have written another email and have not responded back. Personally I feel this product is a rip off and not pure in what it is supposed to do. I have stopped taking them so my body does not feel like it is starving and eating healthier but with more calories. I truly believe HCG works but check out who you are buying from and try to go with a prescription from a doctor. Yes it costs more but at least you are being monitored and not wasting your money.
    At last i found a site that sells the real thing. I've been looking for years for this. It is the only thing that takes my weight off & changes my metabolism. I am very happy to have this. Its best, it works.
    I LOVE this product and this company! The guy who wrote the initial comment is full of it (maybe the competition!?). I am on day 40 and have lost 27 pounds, and I feel great! And it's not 600 calories a day - it's 500. And they DO NOT charge to see their blog! Their phone support is GREAT, and they are open most of the day and night! If it were starvation, then our muscles would be losing tone, and we would be fatigued, have muscle atrophy, etc. - not happening!
    Crooks, I returned product and never got a refund. They kept sending products since I signed up for a regular supply, Not. I would never recommend this product or company to anyone, except other crooks. I made a complaint to my bank and the charges would have been removed. I spoke with a company rep who said I would get a refund if a ended bank interaction. What a fool I was to believe them. No product no money. Liars and cheats, would anyone want to purchase anything from them? I hope not. Don't do it.
    I am a firm believer in the hcg protocol. I have lost weight time and time again. I began to notice a difference in the product over the last year and have contacted your hcg about my issues. They stated that each time the protocol is different and made it seem that I was not following the protocol effectively. I am a veteran on the protocol with 8 years experience. I knew something was different. I was not losing at the normal pace and I was not losing fat. I was losing muscle! I was basically starving myself. I received an email a couple of weeks ago stating the original formula is back! I could not believe that this company lied to me and made it seem as if it was my fault. I am highly disappointed in a company that I have trusted and bought from them for 8 years. So, if you happen to be reading this please by from a different company. A company that you can trust. I will be putting this out on all of my social media. Hopefully, this will help someone.
    I live in Canada and have ordered YourHCG drops 4 times previously. I just placed an order again and this time received 2 bottles that were a different colour and completely different ingredient list. When I contacted the company, they said they had just added a few things to make the product better. But when I showed them a side by side of the ingredients that were completely different, they said it was because I was in Canada that they couldn't send me the original product (even though they had 4 times previously). I paid $15 USD to have it shipped to me and they said I could pay to have it shipped back to them and as long as they got it back in 7 days, they would refund me (which isn't even possible unless I paid for Fed Ex or UPS). They got very unprofessional and rude when I asked for them to send me a mailing label. Will definitely not be buying from this company again. Terrible customer service... do not stand behind their product or correct their mistakes.
    YOURHCG is total B. S I wish I would have read the reviews before I spent my money. This product is tap water with alcohol. I had it examine at the lab where I work. I wanted a quick fix so I didn't follow my own advice RESEARCH. Now I have just wasted money. Every time I callled it was the same guy answering the phone. When I asked details on why it wasn't working he told me to start over and buy more. After calling and calling he became rude and told me to F... off. Then I knew this was a scam. Please listen save your money go to a real weight loss center with a doctor to get the best results. YOURHCG is a total scam do not buy from this website.
    NOBODY should be on a 600 cal diet without physician supervision and the real studies on HCG were done all by injections... not by drops. Pay a little extra money and go to a real weight loss clinic run by a doctor. It is hard to believe this company can get away with recommending a 600 cal diet for everyone and not get sued by someone who gets hurt by this diet. Really... what if someone gets lightheaded and gets into a car accident due to hypoglycemia..
    This was my 3rd time using the product, and I have used HCG Bodyshapers several times as well (always excellent) Very disappointed with this product this time. I wrote them to complain, days into the diet, that I felt I had received a weak or damaged product, as I felt completely different than I ever have before, feeling I was doing the diet, starving, with absolutely no help from the drops. Never got a response from the company. Finished my diet and the drops, but never felt like they were doing anything. Poor customer service not to reply and the product has changed or my bottle was super weak or overheated/damaged in shipping.
    They guarantee 100% refund... Right!. I have been on HcG injections in the late 70's and was NEVER hungry while on the 500 cal. Diet Dr. Simeon prescribed... I ordered the HcG drops, and used them for 30 days and was STARVING the whole time. When I investigated the 'homeopathic drops' I learned that you CANNOT PRESERVE HCG IN ALCOHOL... ALCOHOL WILL DISTROY THE HCG! I sent them my 30 day 'food journal', and they said " I had eaten too much red meat for a refund'... I said that in the past that, as long as the red meat was organic, it was OK to eat it more than 2-3 times a week... They said "No, and we're not giving you your money back". I also tested their HcG drops with a pregnancy kit... the results were 'negative'... meaning NO FEMALE HORMONE [which is what HcG is] IN THEIR HCG DROPS!. Surprise! Surprise!. Order only the HcG in powder and mix it yourself. Injections are not that hard [small insulin needle]... that way, you are getting 'the real deal'. The Real HcG. And you can loose many pounds if you do it this way... I am contesting for the $119.00 [!] they charged me for... what. Water, with alcohol in it?... Again, DO NOT BUY ANY LIQUID HCG... IT JUST DOESN'T WORK!. Judy[ DO NOT ORDER ANY HCG DROPS... THEY ARE TOTALLY
    I can't in good conscience let this scam company continue to operate without at least letting people know what this B. S. company is up to. Let me start by telling you, I am a professional in the dietary industry. I know these people through a friend who knows Jaime well. They've been trying get rich quick schemes for years now, and they finally found one that works. They're "selling" HCG drops and claim excessive weight loss while using the product. Basically this is it - You buy their product and limit yourself to a 600 calorie intake a day and you will lose weight. It doesn't take a genius to figure out that ANYONE will have dramatic weight loss on a 600 calorie diet. They claim their HCG forces the body to use stored fat as opposed to getting nutrients from their food consumption. HELLO - when you are only consuming 600 calories a day your body goes into starvation mode which causes it to rely on stored body fat. That's not a diet, that's STARVATION. This can lead to many complicated medical problems (see anorexia). Their "HCG" consists of nothing more than just tap water mixed with a little tiny bit of HCG. They operate this scam from their house and then charge their customers for access to their blog on their website. So basically you are paying for a bottle of tap water and then starving yourself, which results in weight loss and they just keep getting richer. They have bragged about how much money they are making from these "morons" on the internet and that Jaime's husband is some sort of internet whiz so he is able to beat out everyone else in marketing. Apparently, they've been making so much money from this scam they have bought a mansion and several new vehicles this past year with cash. Do you really want to sacrifice your health and give your heard earned money to support their lavish lifestyle? This is not only a good way to lose money (not weight), but you are putting your health at RISK too. While you think you are using some great weight loss program, these guys have been living it up on your hard earned money. My suggestion to anyone out there, is to talk with a Dietitian or your Physician. Do not let some bogus company with no medical credentials AT ALL, tell you what is good for you and what isn't. Remember this phrase people "if it's too good to be true, it probably is". It's easy to lose weight people, it's called good diet and exercise. That's it. There is no such thing as a miracle diet.
    Hi All This is in the regard of the grievance which I have got from HCG cancer hospital. My father was just 62 years old and he was 90kg in weight and healthy. We got a report that my father might be suffering from gallbladder cancer. I contacted Dr. Basant Mahadevappa and his team and they did test on my father for around 3 days which costed my 60,000 rupees and they said that we have come on a very right time and they did operation on my father. Within 2 days of the operation my father was on ventilator and he died because of the operation. They took 6 lacs rupees from us and that was also over charged by 30,000. My father was the main pillar of our 11 people family and the Dr. Basant Mahadevappa and his team did operation for just money which they were seeking from us. These people are one of the worst They even did not let us go with our father while he was dead until and unless we paid full amount which was charged extra by ******* thousands rupees. At that time they said that their software is on up gradation and they will refund any amount which would be extra. After a month when I was mentally little stable I called HCG hospital and the keep on delaying the extra money which they took from us. Please be aware of these fake people who only loot poor people like us. Our only hope was to live with our father for few more months but Dr Basant Mahadevappa from HCG Cancer hospital took that hope from us and our father is no more with us. Please don't go to this hospital if you want to live little longer than expected. Any body feel free to contact me #*******541 if you guys have any doubts I'll show the report as well. My father's name was Mr. Janardan Pandey.
